During the last one-and-a-half years in the era of Corona epidemic, there has been enough discussion on the crisis on education and in this episode, sharing concerns mainly related to online education is also not a new thing. Here, all of us are also aware of the fact that online education is just a compulsion and experience shows that it cannot be an option of school. Therefore, apart from this, today we will talk on such an untouched aspect, which is likely to have a wide discussion in the field of education.
In fact, in the field of education, now the discussion should be on whether some changes have been made in the technology and teaching methods in this one-and-a-half year to overcome the challenges of online education and some other options of teaching. Are the concrete works done? If yes, how and to what extent have these children become more enthusiastic towards teaching? Because ultimately we have to understand things around the question that if at some extent it is possible for the children to overcome the lack of school at home, then what efforts have been made in the last months for this?
In this direction, we should understand the efforts made by NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training), New Delhi in the field of education. NCERT has tried to reduce the difficulties of online education to simplify the teaching of primary level children. For this, the NCRT has established a balance between online education and assignment-based learning. Under this, young children are being given an environment so that they can minimize their dependency of reading through mobile or laptop and they can become more and more engaged in other activities related to learning and teaching.
This is the reason that keeping in mind the small children, the information related to various types of assignments is now being given in the online session and the whole process of learning is being designed in such a way that they are based on offline activities, so that The children can get a lot of opportunity to study alone or with family while staying away from mobile or laptop. That is to say, the online tool is being seen primarily as a medium of education and not as a method of teaching. It is being used exclusively to guide young children rather than to teach them, while the emphasis is on offline assignments to teach, learn or teach them.
How to get rid of online?
If we understand this more clearly, then the NCRT has prepared an alternative calendar in which there is a provision for small children to organize normally two sessions of maximum 45-45 minutes in a day in sufficient intervals. The purpose behind this is that young children cannot be taught for three-four hours or more by sitting with an online device like mobile. The reason is also that when we talk about learning and teaching for children, it does not just mean teaching them. Therefore, it is being discussed about the assignment of children through online how they can complete it practically, either alone or with the help of family members. For this, such learning material should also be available for children at home which is cheap and accessible.
It is important here that young children can be instinctively motivated and active for learning through activities related to exercise, music, painting, sports and intellectual development, so the activities related to them were taken care of in the offline assignment. In addition, some assignments have been prepared for the children with their families at the center, so that in this terrible phase of the epidemic, there is a lot of interaction between the children and their families and they can help each other well. To get to know, so that their mutual relationship can become stronger than before.
Why balance between online and assignment?
As the corona crisis is becoming increasingly complex, opening schools for young children is considered to be just as dangerous, so to balance school shortages, balance between online and assignments must be kept, but with it It is also necessary to adopt this approach, which part of the child can learn online and which part can be learned from the assignment. Creating this balance is challenging because the policy principles on which the current school education system has been conducted have not been thought about online education. Therefore, by giving mobile instead of pen in the hands of children, we cannot say that education has been done online. In fact, the child learns in the classroom by himself, despite this, he is in direct contact with the teacher in the whole process of teaching and also helps him to learn his behavior with other children quickly.
Therefore, at this time there is a scope to structure the structure of online learning in such a way that during this time children can communicate more and more with the teacher and other classmates. The reason is that if the children can put their curiosities in front of the teacher and other classmates like the classroom, then it will be more effective and meaningful. For this, the need to promote the ‘story telling’ mode is being considered and there are many examples in which the Kisago approach is being adopted for the teaching of children.
That’s why the family should make a daily routine plan
It has been seen many times that children do not have all the books and for this they often take help of the school library. To overcome this shortage in the Corona-era, many school managers are sharing material on WhatsApp. Also, many assignments have been made by them, for which family members have to make a schedule in which they have a plan of activities to be conducted every day. One of the objectives of this scheme is to make children participate in emotional and psychological activities.
At the same time, apart from this, if young children look unhappy and very frustrated with online education, then in such a situation, the experts of the education sector are expecting the families of the children not to ignore it as a minor thing. In this condition, counseling is being given to children as well as their families. Family members are being told that they should spend enough time with children and try to understand the child’s mind. Their concern about children’s education is justified, even after this, if after a level, young children are fed up with educational activities related to the Internet, then give them an opportunity to participate in non-virtual activities that lead to children’s education. To attract attraction and attachment. In the end, the role of the child’s mother is considered to be the most powerful for this task.
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from हमारी वेबसाइट एक ऐसी वेबसाइट है जहा पर आप को सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में सबसे पहले जानकारी दी जाती है यहाँ पर आपको हर प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में सबसे पैले सूचित किया जाता है !
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