Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar University of Agra has included six colleges in the black list (black list) for mass cheating in the main examination. Of these, three colleges have been debuted for three years and the same number of colleges have been debuted for one year. Examination centers will not be made till this fixed session. After getting duplicate in the main examination of the session 2019-20, the Sachal Dal made a report against 14 colleges and submitted it to the Unfair Mines Committee (UFM). In this, the committee formed three sections on the basis of duplication found on the spot. In this, solvers and teachers were cheating students in three colleges, they have been blacklisted for three years.
In three colleges, the OMR sheets of the candidates were found to be identical, being copied from the model paper. They have been included in the black list for one year. Imitation was caught in eight colleges, which have been warned. The report was put up at the meeting of the examination committee, where the members stamped the action.
The university’s Controller of Examinations, Dr. Rajiv Singh, said that the examination committee has included six colleges for mass cheating in the main examination, it will not be made a center in the examination for the session 2020-21.
The university’s PRO professor Pradeep Sridhar said that the mobile team reported solicitors, models and colloquial copying at the center, on which the examination committee has approved the action taken by the UFM.
Centers to be debuted for three years
1- Pandit Puranmal Memorial Education Institute, Gabhana, Aligarh.
2- APS College Bajna (Mathura).
3. Shri Shyam Das Baba College Umbrella, Mathura.
Centers to be debuted for one year
1- SS Degree College Shamsabad Agra.
2- Sri Govardhan College, Kishni, Mainpuri.
3- Chaudhary Madhav Singh Memorial College, Mainpuri.
Warning has been issued to these colleges-
Smt. Leela Devi College Magna Baldev Mathura.
2- RC Sharma Degree College Ladukheda Agra.
3- KGN PG College, Sikandararau, Hathras.
4- Kaushal Kishore Rambetti Devi Varna College, Etah.
5- Lalaram Sridevi Degree College Atrauli Aligarh.
6- Shri Dauji Maharaj Degree College Barauli Ahir Agra.
7- RN Education Deep Girls College Shikohabad.
8- Vijendra Pal Singh Netrapal Singh College Dev Karanpur Jalesar Etah.
The post University blacklisted six colleges for mass cheating, see list here appeared first on Naukri Nama.
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