On Wednesday, activists of NSUI created a ruckus at Jiwaji University. Officers, including Vice Chancellor Sangeeta Shukla, were shown a copy whose four pages were not checked by the teachers and the student failed. Also demanded action on responsible officers of nursing scandal. Seeing the uproar, Jeu called the police. The university police arrested the students.
A large number of students reached JU under the leadership of YSU state secretary of NSUI. These students performed outside the office of the Rector and the Registrar. Raised voice against the ongoing mess at JU, but officials did not come to hear the students’ problems. After that the Vice Chancellor started protesting outside the Secretariat. After a long time Vice Chancellor Sangeeta Shukla came to listen to the students’ problem.
During this, the students showed a copy of Physics, whose four pages were not checked. He was failed due to the student being given a low number. The students alleged that the authorities were not listening to the students’ problems. This keeps them wandering in JU. The Vice Chancellor gave evasive answers to the students. Meanwhile, a heavy police force reached the spot and arrested the students and brought them to the university station. Yatendra Singh, Sachin Bhadoria, Chhotu Tomar, Dynasty Maheshwari etc. were present during this time.
Raised these demands: There was a demand to make the investigation of nursing scandal public and to take action on the guilty officers. Students said that no action has been taken so far, including the Controller of Examinations. The students also alleged that there are unqualified teachers working in the examination hall, who are checking the wrong copies.
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from हमारी वेबसाइट एक ऐसी वेबसाइट है जहा पर आप को सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में सबसे पहले जानकारी दी जाती है यहाँ पर आपको हर प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में सबसे पैले सूचित किया जाता है !
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