Deputy Chief Minister and Education Minister Manish Sisodia has said that the Delhi Board of Education will not only evaluate the students ‘education, but will also evaluate the students’ thinking about how ready they are to become an entrepreneur.
He said that we should develop our country as an economy where the children leave, not job seekers, but as job givers. The Deputy Chief Minister said this while addressing an event organized by Ashoka University on Friday.
Sisodia said that after evaluating the schemes which were started to develop entrepreneurship in children, it has been found that this scheme is proving to be very successful. Seedmoney being given to children is motivating them to become a better entrepreneur and they are taking great advantage of it.
Discussing the need of entrepreneurial mindset, Manish Sisodia said that the Delhi government provided basic facilities in schools to fix the foundation of education and is now trying to eliminate the problems of society by making education a foundation.
The Delhi government allocated 26 percent of its total budget for school and higher education. The Delhi government has adopted a 360-degree approach to education that is based on the infrastructure, capacity building of students and teachers. Our students have achieved good results and many schools had students who passed exams like NEET, IIT without any tuition.
Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that to create a growth mindset among the students, Entrepreneurship Mindset Curriculum has been introduced for the students of 9th, 12th grade to develop 21st century skills in them, along with understanding their own talent. Focuses on enhancing the mentality of entrepreneurship. In this, students learn skills and practice mindfulness which encourages them to dream big, achieve new and challenging goals.
He told that a set of 40 stories of real-life entrepreneurs has been produced in EMC. Students at EMC are also conducting micro-field research, in which a student studies 5 people who work or have start-ups or their own businesses. The Delhi government has given a sidemony to the 11th and 12th grade students to start their entrepreneurship projects, which has created a different kind of learning environment for the students.
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from हमारी वेबसाइट एक ऐसी वेबसाइट है जहा पर आप को सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में सबसे पहले जानकारी दी जाती है यहाँ पर आपको हर प्रकार की सरकारी नौकरियों के बारे में सबसे पैले सूचित किया जाता है !
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