Medical Education Minister Suresh Khanna has alleged that the SP and the Congress put the lives of UP people in trouble for politics. Congress and SP leaders slowed down the campaign by spreading confusion over the vaccine, which people are suffering. Due to these statements of Rahul and Akhilesh, Corona took a dangerous form in UP.
He created confusion by repeatedly questioning the efforts of the Corona vaccine and the government on behalf of these leaders. Questioning the vaccine, Akhilesh Yadav refused to have it. Rahul and Priyanka Vadra expressed disbelief at the vaccine test. Now they are saying that why not everyone was vaccinated. They should cooperate in the campaign of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to save people from Corona.
He has urged these leaders to cooperate in the fight against Corona, showing sensitivity. Sitting at home, false rhetoric does not suit the ongoing efforts against the elimination of the corona virus in the state. This is causing confusion among the public. Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi should also avoid making false statements. He has told Rahul Gandhi and Akhilesh that opposition work in democracy is not just to criticize the government.
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