The miscreants who looted a bag full of one and a quarter lakh rupees by throwing chilli powder in the eye of the gas agency cashier in the street near BNSD Inter College, ran towards the court via Gwalatoli. The police got this information from a CCTV camera installed outside a hospital on the way. Shyamji Shukla, a resident of Hanumant Vihar, Naubasta, is a cashier in the Sree Bhagwat Indane Gas Agency of Lajpat Nagar. On Thursday afternoon, after taking cash from the deliverymen, he was loading the cylinders in the vehicle. Meanwhile, two miscreants from Apache bike without number came and threw chilli powder in their eyes and looted a bag full of cash and escaped towards the red tamarind. Police in-charge Prabhukant said that footage of CCTV cameras installed on the routes of absconding of the accused is being seen. It has been learned that both the robbers had run towards the court via Gwalatoli.
- Five thousand rupees reached the accounts of 1680 children
The amount of five thousand rupees sent by the central government was transferred to the accounts of children enrolled under the Right to Free and Compulsory Child Education Act. In addition to sending this amount to the accounts of a total of 1680 children, information was also given to all parents. District Coordinator Community Participation Anirudh Singh said that the children who are admitted through RTE are given assistance of about Rs 10,000 from the Central Government. In this, five thousand rupees are sent to the child’s account, while about five thousand rupees amount is given to the school as fees.
He said that during the session 2020, a total of 1916 children were admitted in the district, out of which funds were sent to the accounts of 1680 children.
- After returning to the force, there will now be surveillance in the streets as well
After the withdrawal of the force in the three-tier panchayat elections, the authorities have started planning afresh for the prevention of corona infection. Under this, police teams will patrol the streets and make people follow the Kovid manual. A lawsuit will be filed against the non-believers and a challan action will be taken against those who do not apply masks. With the increase in Corona infection cases, the police officers had issued an order to strictly follow the Kovid Rules. Till now, due to lack of force, patrolling was not being done in every intersection, tiraha and lanes.
Now the force that went to the panchayat elections has returned. Therefore, the authorities have started an exercise to monitor and intensify under the Kovid Rules. Additional Commissioner of Police (Headquarters) Dr. Manoj Kumar said that after the return of the police force from the panchayat elections, there will now be an increase in surveillance and patrolling.
- The dean will assume responsibility for implementing the new education policy
Now the Dean in Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University will take charge of better implementation of the new education policy. Committees were formed for this in the university. The Dean will also take decisions regarding necessary changes in the ordinance. Although the committee will be chaired by Prof. Nandlal, according to the semester system, the timetable of the academic session will be made by the committee of Dean Academic Prof. Sanjay Swarnakar. The decision was taken by the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Vinay Pathak, on Sunday.
He interacted online with the deans, department heads and professors to implement the new education policy from the new session. He informed that, new education policy will be implemented in all the courses of graduation. He said that on May 3, a seminar will be organized on the new education policy, in which all the deans, directors and in-charge will be present. In the discussion with him, the Registrar Dr. Anil Yadav, Prof. Mukesh Ranga, Dr. Sudhanshu Pandya, Dr. BD Pandey, Regional Higher Education Officer, Dr.
- Today there will be house to house prayers
To liberate the country from the global pandemic Kovid, the Arya Samaj will organize a disease prevention sacrifice on May 3 across the country. Lakhs of devotees will take part in it.
Ashok Kumar Anand, the head of the Arya Samaj temple, said that on the call of the universal Arya Pratinidhi Sabha, the Arya Samaj will enthusiastically participate in the Disease Prevention Mahayagya. In this, the atmosphere will be purified by offering medicines. Arya Pratinidhi Sabha UP chief Devendra Kumar has asked all devotees associated with ruraland urban temples to join it. About twenty thousand families of the city will be involved in the disease prevention Mahayagya. The event will be celebrated as International Yajna Day.
- CM will communicate with coaches and players today
The ongoing struggle regarding the deployment of trainers in the state for a long time may come to an end. On Monday, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath will interact with the outstanding sportspersons of the state. This may include players as well as coaches.
The Directorate of Sports will conduct dialogue online between the Chief Minister and the players. About 200 players and more than 50 coaches from the city will attend the CM’s address. Members of Krida Bharti will also join
- Volunteers fed food to laborers and rickshaw pullers
Santosh and Praveen, the district campaigners of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, along with the volunteers of the Toli, distributed food to the workers and rickshaw drivers near Kakadev on Sunday. At the same time, those people have also started giving food to the Timardar outside hospitals in the three-day Corona curfew. On the other hand in the virtual meeting it was decided that by the time the process of the Corona curfew would go on, food would be arranged by the union for the daily wage workersIn the meeting, the province preacher Shriram, Sah province stewardship Bhavani begging, province publicity head Anupam, department stewardship Vivek, Virendra Pathak.
The post news related to education, corona and other incidents in Kanpur appeared first on Naukri Nama.
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